Monday, November 27, 2006

Nice lights yea?

Groom;bride;me (:

Does me and my sis look alike? i am not wearing specs xD

Guest wad is dat? is flour to let the merlion stick into the plate !

MERLION (: is a deco in my food..veri unique uhh ! haha.

Does it looks like it is a '' mini tenise racket'' ?

Sis and me. Hw come gort e NO SMOKING sign at e top left hand?no idea.

Christmas tree in vivo =)

Zixuan (:
Yesterday is such a great fun dae (:
Being prepared and yea. here we go to proceeding to cable car tower for cousins wedding.
We r like quite early to go and no one else is at e restaurant.
So we thought of going to vivo city to shop around.
Vivo is like dam dam big. So mani escalator; so mani ppl; so mani waes to just go for 1 shop.
But yet it is fun and crowded.
Followed sis go to CANDY EMPIRE to buy chocolates and sweets.
Is like a lot of ppl inside.. choosing dat and hands were like full of their items can ?
And my mom brought some chocolates for us. (:
Is like super nice lahs. =D
Time is bout to reach 7.30pm.
Went back to e same place.
Hell lots of ppl down dere .
And is like ppl chit-chatting and all.
And yupps. dere e wedding starts and their fotos is like dam nice can.
Is go other country take one.. and e music is completely suit e whole atmostphere.
And our hoster is like dam funny.. is some kinda chinese DJ or sth.
And is like it keeps on making e whole restaurant ppl laugh and laugh continuously.
It keeps on DISTURB the 2 of them and the groom and the bride is like dam paiseh !
Ended. One foto taken. hurray~
Is hard to take foto bcuz is like e ''q'' to shake hand b4 they leave is like wnt stop one..
until i call one guy behind me to stop while taking one foto. THANKS (:
And e groom thought dat we r his indonesia relatives.
Which makes me and my sis laugh like mad.. and my sis reply is singapore and we both smile and walk awae lahs.
And e gloom just gave us a smile and say BYEBYE to us.
Quite late; took mrt.
reached kovan, change to bus and home sweet home.
Todae todae !
Went back sku for some kinda helping nxt yr sec 1 parents to walk around e sku to introduce our sku places and all.
Parents like dam shock dat the 3 of us is sec 1 students.
And yea. i tink we did a great job yea?
Have such a great chat wif rachel and other sec 2s..
we even plae '' black magic'' e game while waiting for others to come and to lead them.
Atfirst i dun realli understand hw to plae.. and they sae cant tell but to observe and learn bcuz if tell ler then not nice.
And finally i understand it and plays well; tink so? xD
Bout 12+ pm.. went to some kinda shop to buy snacks.
Leaving rachel alone and rain is seem to be more heavier and heavier so we run !
And the strange thing is no one falls down.
Bout 1+pm went to AVA to room and to tell our HEAD OF DEPARTMENT our prefect camp t-shirt size and hand up $10
After dat went heartland macs; brought fries
I noe todae's post is like dam dam long.
Realli sorri though =D
Thursday, November 23, 2006
It had been 3 days since i last blogged.
hahaas & todae i tink it will be a quite long post bcuz i need to tok bout 2 days stuff.
Went out in e morning to have breakfast.
Atnite watch my beloved superstar at 8pm in channel u ((:
And at 9pm.. me and my sis decided to go down to buy bubble tea.
We tink dat it is mayb impossible bcuz e shops had closed at it is alr 9pm.
But we still go down and ''try our luck''
But we seriously dun have ani lucky lahs. ;(
And yupps. at nite had such a great chat wif ONG MEI QI ..
atfirst is i call her; but my sis wanted to use fone so i told her to call my handfone.
And when we r bout to put down.. i saw e timing is 1hr ++ ( not included the time in hse fone)
I tink estimatied we had chatted bout 2 hrs if i am not wrong.
But luckily i free incoming call in my handfone. phew ~
sorri meiqi. muhahahas xD
And yupps. midnite 1am order macs and when it reached is bout 1.30++?
Had a delicious meal and yupps.SLEEEPPPP.
As usual; watch superstar at nite for male contestant todae. ((:
Kinda excited bcuz i wanna see their performance.
A little bit disapointed.
And at nite at 11.30pm.. watch e result show.
I am like dam shock of e results dat is out bcuz all 4 contestant is quite strong though.
And mag had such a rare low-voice and can sing well.
Why don't singaporeans give her one more chance? Mayb she will do well nxt round? And she cried dam jialat when she noes dat she is e first female contestant to be out of tis project superstar2.
And veron is e second girl which is out.!! she have tis kinda YAYA - PAPAYA dat face..
so i tink singaporeans dun realli like her look but heys; she is e highest among all e female contestant on wednesdae..
i realli dunoe bout her mayb she is dam good in her heart bcuz the wae she express out is like she veri haolian dat kind.
Then .. e guy kenny which i supported also out.!! omggomgg.
Is definetly unbelievable.. he is too nervous and the wae he take microphone is wrong X'(
please. revival [;
and followed by shiyu. [[ amelia is addicted to him]]
So amelia; did u call ur fren to call ; vote for shiyu? muhahaass xD
Aniwaes. competition is competion.. there will be ppl who win; ppl who lose.
But i hope mag and kenny will come back in revival and chiong like kelly in last episode of PSS1
Ok now i need u all to have some kinda suggestion.
I am now being stucked.
Because tis coming 9dec i had 2 events coming up but i seriously dunoe which to choose as onli can choose 1 and because of time time time !
I had my primary sku teacher wedding which is like at 4pm & she invited all XHPS teachers to go.
And at 6.30pm. i have project superstars 2 roadshow at *scape oposite orchard cineleisure.
Ok. lets calculate ..
Lets sae if i go to my primary sku teacher wedding start at 4pm; 5pm i go..
U noe. yishun to orchard need bout 1 hr to travel.. OH PLEASE. ;(
So late then go then i surely at e back. i dun wan i dun wan ;(
Ok. Wad if after roadshow .. 6.30+ start; mayb 7pm++ end?
And i need 1 hr to travel.. so mayb reach dere bout 8pm ++
And e invitation card indicates 9pm ended.
I am sure everyone at dere is helping out instead of enjoying themself i am sure all e guest had alr GONE
So wad for i go dere?
I am seriously stucked.
Please ppl. tell me which to choose..
tagg at my tagboard ok.
Monday, November 20, 2006
To many; life is often associated wif dreams.
People sae, one who fails to dream.. dreams to fail.
Well to me.. life is much more than just dreams.
Life is not onli a roller-coaster ride.. a stage whereby weird actors or on cars on highway travelling to reach a destination; our goals
To me; life is about fulling wad we're alwaes been wanting to do.
Not just living each dae without regrets.. but going the extra mile and making an extra bit of effort to complete every task;
and having dat sense of satisfaction which is overwhelming of coz.
Realistically speaking; life ain't a smooth ride.
Only with lessons learnt, onli frm mistakes made, onli can we learn frm it.
But sometimes, ppl, or rather most of us including me
alwaes wish dere ain't ani negative stuff dat happened..
or setbacks as we're unsure how to deal wif them .
So we thought by wishing it'd never happened, might atually made us feel a little better.
Sad to sae,everything in life happens for a reason to make us learn.
Life had been awesome so far, frankly speaking.
Met great people like family members, who are alwaes dere.
wad more can i ask for??
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Quiz: Can you name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head?Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!
[1] meiqi
[2] jmo
[3] rachel
[4] amelia
[5] yun han
[6] taiyang
[7] apple
[8] shariel
[9] yizhen
[10] charlotte.
[11] rebecca.
-How did you meet 10? [charlotte]
hmms. in sku ((:
-What would you do if u had never met 6? [taiyang]
i will have no one to bully. muhahas ;D
-Have you ever seen 4 cry? [amelia]
ehhs. i dun tink so lehs.
-What would you do if 6 and 2 dated? [taiyang and jmo]
hmms. i dunoe wad will happen bcuz jmo is stucked between 2 girls XX=
-think 1 is handsome? [meiqi]
meiqi is handsome? she is just big size. hahaha.
-Tell me something about number 11 [ rebecca]
she is helpful lahs. but then can be fierce.
-How did you know 8? [shariel]
ehhs. we just noe each other lahs.
-What's 7's favourite color? [apple]
i tink is pink?
-What would you do if 2 confessed he/she liked you? [jmo]
sorry. we not gays.
-Fact about 9. [yizhen]
she gave good advice.. likes to crap a lot but is serious in times.
-Who is 6 going out with? [taiyang]
she is going out wif jay chou lahs. MUHAHAASS. ;D
-Who is number 5 to you? [yunhan]
my crappy fren which alwaes call me jia jia liang cha. -.-
Would you ever live with 11? [ rebecca]
huh? noooo.
-Is 2 single? [jmo]
now is single but he is stucked wif 2 girls.LOLS
-How much does 3 mean to you? [rachel]
a good senior and is a person dat i can tok to.
-What do you think about 1? [meiqi]
my best of best of best fren dat can alwaes be bullied by me; crap together and wadevr silly stuff. :)
-What's the best thing about number 8? [shariel]
she teach me some maths question and veri patient lahs.
-What do you dislike about number 10? [charlotte]
ehhs she scold ppl. but never scold me lahs bcuz we good friend mahs. hehehe.
11 people that i want them to do:
[x] shariel
[x] yizhen
[x] jmo
[x] rebecca
[x] chong aik
[x] angie
[x] felicia
[x] simin
[x] shuying
[x] milly
[x] anone who wanna do just do lahs. LOLS. =))

Superstar rock yea?

Singing. GREAT =D

Together !! guys final post.

Smile all over their face [:

Top 24


2nd grp of male contestant

2nd grp of girls contestant.


First grp of bois contestant.

First grp of girls contestant
Project superstar roadshow TODAE. ((((:
Kinda excited in e morning.
Meet maychin in kovan .. she late ok?
i waited for her like. 5 - 10 mins & making me kinda pek chek
muhahahas ;D
We took mrt to bugis.
Then..we tok and tok and tok.. and guest wad?
Maychin took wrong mrt lahs. >.<
And we were some sort of ''u-turn'' go back lah -.-
We stand like 1 and a half hour ( not included e performances )
And Its time whereby top 24 arrived.
Everyone is shouting like dam loud.. and i also shout lahs bcuz atmostphere is high.
Then all have their poster UPP and then i cnt see dat clearly but ok lahs. (((:
Woahh. is kinda fun then they sing song dance and all we all shout ok !!!
Their dance is realli nice.. and dats time wherby e atmostphere is HIGH again
I dunoe whether i am crazy lahs.
muhahahs ;D
Then is like time for us for those who have stickers to go up to e stage to get e calender frm superstar and inside gort e signature.
I am the lucky 50 thanks to maychin [;
Atfirst i am lost. i dunoe where to go.. then i go out one big round.
Then later come back in again.
Is kinda tired bcuz gort a lot of ppl.. and i am like dam rushed ; gan chiong.
And keep on saeing EXCUSE ME. lols.
But later still i follow other ppl where they walk =D
And i of cuz wait for my turn to go up.
I wanna wait for e 2nd grp of superstar bois.. NAT But then the ppl sae cnt wait one.. so bo bian.
But the 2nd grp of girls dam good lahs. HAHAHA. !
Then i take frm charlotte e calenda then i also shake hand wif her.
Can see lots of camera around !
And i smile at e camera.. then later need to take foto.
Then e contestant call us join so i join lor.
Then the camera man take the BIG BIG camera and SHOT.
I dunoe whether i look weird.
Lets hope i wnt lahs.
pray pray pray ~
Then whereby the time i wanna go and take foto.
Errms. e DJ sae like no time then i bo bian go down.
After dat follow maychin go shopping.
I brought those kinda japan ice-cream.
$4 for 1 cup ok? but is worth it bcuz is extemely nice. (((:
Hmms. then later go home.
Took MRT and yeahs. kinda tired now.. when i come home i blogged bcuz i wanna my ''visitors'' in my blog for the first one to noe !
Aniiwae. its a long post todae.
I dun tink i am naggy rite? hahaha.
I will definetly catch superstar 2nd roadshow at 9 dec.
And maychin is e one who helped me..
she sae 24 contestant so i must treat her 24 times of meals.
SIAOOO. Completely tired. bye. A BIG THANKS TO MAYCHIN.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Last min edited pic :

Huiyan & mee. [[cousins]]
Together (:

I carry the cutie guy ((:

The 3 of us. HURRAY ~

The cutie guy

yeah. (:
I tink i gonna blogged bout yesterdae.
Lots of stuff happened.
Yesterday afternoon; me & valerian went to blocks to play bombag.
When i saw valerian taking out e bombag.
I was like shouting bcuz i scared he accidentaly will pressed & bomb.
We throw and hide then bomb.
waaa. is some kinda fun but i tink it will definetly cost troubles .
But long long time once lahs : P
Last time in old hse all gort played wif bombag one.. some more all so small.
But then now different ler lahs.
All grow big ler. Then all moved out of e old hse cept for some.. and i am also the one who is moving out.
hahaha. (:
I moved to my new hse since like p1? and now i am sec 1 goin to sec 2.
Time just past dam fast.
And yeah. childrens memories will alwaes be in my mind i tink?
After playing wif bombag..
follow my sis go heartland buy her storybook.
After dat i went home of cuz.
Then i bathe. Wanted to sleep and saw it is like 4.00pm + ?
Then i 7pm need to go grandma hse.
So i decided not to sleep.. aniiwae i am tired but i dun realli feel sleepy.
If i realli wanna sleep.
I will sleep long long. But not just a few hrs .. bcuz i dun like.
Gort sleep like never sleep.
hahaha. (:
Then atnite go grandma hse.
Saw valerian cousins which i also noe them.
The guy is like dam cute lahs.
And i keep on playing wif him; snatching his sweets.
Then he will run and play wif me.
Then can threatened sae can i carry u ? can u sit on my leg and all..
note: i am not bullying.
haas. Then later of cuz i give back to him sweets lahs. wait he cry how?
Then we have some fotos at the back without letting their parents noe bcuz wait they will scold them.
So is kinda secretly.
Gort one foto is like dam nice.
Valerian & the guy wanna make some kinda stupit action.
But then.. ended up the guy looks so dam cute & valerian spoiled the whole pic and i cnt post it online.
wad a waste !
I played for awhile then i went home wif my parents.
I just bathe. brush teeth & wash face.
Without ani words.
wahhaaas. xD
yeah/. ! realli enjoy todae dam much.
I will be posting some pics after edited by me.
Hope u guys will like it.
I am still quite sleepy now.
I need to go and have some rest.
byes. =D
Monday, November 13, 2006
helloooooos ((:
I am back lahs.
hahaha. =D
i woke up in the morning at 7.15am? bcuz need to meet mom imediately after she work.
Went to coffee shop to have my breakfast; merobus. YUMMY !
Completely full alriites. & yea.. proceed to buy my chocolates and my i-weekly magazine.
Inside have project superstar 2 calenda; need to have dat to can have tis coming saturdae in bugis; 3 pm; to have their roadshow.
I just need their signature & their photos.
Must check it out; i will blog bout dat ok.
Hope can take photos wif them lahs. PLEASE.
Went to grandma hse at nite.
Hmms. played wif valerian & zheming.
Dunoe y; but i just love to plae wif kids lahs.
Zheming size too big.. cnt run fast. HAHAHA ! dam funny if u see him run can !
Then after dat.. bout at nite bahs
Went home which is now lahs.
But currently now the time is 12am .
I am tired. but i blogged (:
Aniiwaes.. on the wae to bus-stop.
I saw my primary 4 bus-aunty i tink? she still recognise me -.=
And she said. waaa.. ur face full of pimples.
I am alr used to ppl who like dat say me. bleahhs.
Because i gort one fone book which consist of ''special'' ppl fone numbers..
some times will flip through and call them whether they r fine lahs.
Thats the end of todae.
But nt realli lahs.. need to tell u a story (:
The GREENS family :
- jiahao ( ahseed)
-taiyang ( ahsoil)
-angie ( ahroot)
-charlotte ( ahstem)
-meiqi ( ah leaf)
-luying ( ahhua)
-yun han ( ahfruits)
Once upon a time..a farmer wanna have apples in the city.
Because now adays.. due to natural disaster .. apples prices had been increasing.
People frm the city is too poor to afford the price.. soo they cnt eat but to smell it .
The farmer decided to grow his own apples & to share wif all the apples to the town neighbours.
First.. the farmer put AHSEED (jiahao) in the AHSOIL (taiyang).
A few weeks later.. it found out AHROOT (angie) had grown.. & he watered the plant daily.
Then. the AHSTEM(charlotte) had grown also.
Later.. AHLEAF ( meiqi) had appear & slowly have AHHUA ( luying).
Then.. it have AHFRUITS ( yunhan ) & the apples drop frm the tree.
The farmer were so happi until it cnt wait to share all those apples wif the ppl living in the town.
Frm then onwards.. the town neighbours alwaes had tasty apples.
As times goes by .. a poor city became a rich city as bcuz the tasty apples can be sold in a high price and ppl frm all around the world came to tis city just to taste hw delicious is the apples.
Note : Hua is atually flower in chinese if u didn't noe.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Ok. i am back. wahhaas.
Its like 4 days since i blogged.
Nth had happened much tis week bahs.
Aniiwae.. i am back ! hahaha. (:
On wednesday nite..
bout 11-12+? i ordered macs.
Ok. i tell u .. i am like soo soo soo hungry.. & i seriously cnt wait for the delivery man to come.
I dunoe y.. but is kinda unlucky.
I tink the delivery man is NEW to tis kinda job..
hw come suddenly take wrong bag?
& i am like grrrr grrr.
& my sis still called to the macs sae dun press the doorbell.. bcuz my parent is sleeping!
& the delivery man never even sae sorri and just sae will come back later bcuz need to go & take another bag !!
Wondering..tink the fries will be dam soft & dam cold ..
surely will taste like.. dunoe wad lahs.
Kinda angry.. bcuz its the first time since i met tis kinda service.
Wad for i pay delivery charge and yet it come late.. & the food is cold and taste bad.
But. just forget it.. i cnt realli blame the man lahs.
Aniiwae atlast the man gort sae sorri to me bout just now ((:
And todae..
i thought the starhub promotion gave us all free channel to watched.
Bcuz last few daes i can watched..
so when i choose to watch cartoon network todae afternoon..
guest wad??? cnt watch!!!
arrhs~ it sae dunoe wad must subscribe.. so must call starhub customer care service.
And when i called..
just found out dat those kinda channels is like onli last a few days..
they onli gave us some channel which is like ;
education; chinese entertainment & blahblahblah.
grrrr. ~~~
Ok. dats all for todae HAHAHA !
I noe my post is dam dam short todae..
but for the sake of updating;
i just update bahs.
Will update sooner or later..
bcuz tis wk realli had nth much happened.
Aniiwae. i cnt wait for project superstar to start can. !!
The mtv ROCKS .. the contestant voice is soo nice; have looks =D
one word to describe. PREFECT !
okok. i tink i gonna go watch the show at 11.30 to 2 am .
I tink is a japaness show.. is kinda nice =D
Alrites.. keep on tag tag ppl; blog is rotting .
I will definetly reply ur tags in my tagboard so dun need to worry lahs. : )
I gotta go. take care..& byebye !
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Hellos.Back to blog again.
Nth much happened todae.
Morning wake up early to prepare to go to school to hand up maths 1st set of holidae assignment & to buy my bks.
Met mom in the bus - stop wif dad.
Mom reached..
so we all together walk to coffee shop to have our breakfast.
I ate noodles.. & after eating , mom go home & dad followed me go to sku.
Went to put my scripts in the box .. & found out i am the first one to hand up.
haas. ((:
Then i brought my books in the book shop.
Tis time is much better than sec 1 bcuz is nt dat heavy..some more gort my dad help me carry. =D
Hope to met some sec 3s prefect seniors so dat i can pass them the prefect camp form.
But sadly.. i tink they r having their lessons.
I cnt just rushed up to the klass & interruped their lessons.
So i decided not to go to their klass.
Because i last min recieved sms yesterdae 11+
I cnt make ani changes ..
so i went to one of my fren hse which is also a prefect & stay near me.
I told him to help me hand up.. & i pass to him my prefect form & 10 dollar.
thanks so much (((:
Went home.
Have a shower & plae computer.
After dat.. the starhub man came & help us fixed our SCV.
Because my dad had continue signing up starhub broadband.. & have some kinda promotion now..
free SCV for 1 yr. woahh ((:
Kinda happi.. bcuz it is long long time since i had SCV .
I tink when i am primary 1?
& it lasted like bout.. 3 mnths.
I finally can relaxed..
my holidae homework.
here u go !
u see.. i have soo soo mani hols assignment to complete..
& for such a good boii.
Definetly i will do first then enjoy .
Soo yaa. frm so mani pieces of work.. which is simply driving me crazy...
& left wif onli 1 set of maths which is algebra & 3 question of chinese compo.
Nxt yr then hand up.. so i have PLENTY of time for me to slowly slowly do
[*] science at lead portal ( DONE)
[*] sign up yuying forum (DONE)
[*]3 sets of maths :
- volume (DONE)
[*]4 question of chinese compo.(1ST QUESTION DONE)
new blogskin updated. !!
Plz tag for comments.
Will improved nxt time alriites..
first blogskin created my own.
Hope u guys will like it.
& i also wanna wished sec 4s & 5s for their ''o'' lvls..
ppl yesterdae dat had recieved my sms..
U r lucky !! =D
Sorry for those who never recieved my sms bcuz i didn't have ur fone number.
Ok. i shall end here.
Keep on reading my blog alrites.
Cya & take care.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Is a long quiz dat i have done.. plz have a look ((:
full name:chua jia hao
in backwards:oah aij auhc
were you named after someone? :aiyoyo.dunoe la.
meaning of your name:I am kind ; hardworking!! hahaha (:
nickname/screen name:Jiahao...blahblablah.
birthday:2nd march.
place of birth:Thomson hospital.
current location:hougang..
star sign:pisces
height/weight:168, 45kg.
shoe size:sorry; my leg is huge.. so dats y my is hard to find the size of my shoe.
hair colour:black la duh~
eye colour:blue..rainbow.. find it urself.
face inherited from:ALL (:
iinie or outie:both?
lefty or righty:righty
bestfriends/trust most:meiqi; angeline; liyin; benjamin;amelia;taiyang;angie .. & MOREE.
greatest buddies:i mentioned it alrdy
bf or gf ?none.I am just a student.
worst enemy:I dun have ani =D
craziest friend:meiqi!!!!!
greatest advicer:My frens; parents; teachers?
crying partner:I am such a lonely person.
any sisters/brothers:1 elder sister. ((:
any pets:have fish; but died LONG LONG ago.
any disease:No laa. duh~
pagers:last time no handfones.. gort got handfone.. ppl no pager animore la! so old alr..
telephone:silly question HAHAHA.
cellphone:yepp,of cus
pool or hot?:uh huh??
a car:nooo!
future, would like to be a ..TEACHER (: or some kinda office jobs.
personality:I am a crazy boi who likes to tok lots of crap wif my crazy partner.
driving:think so.
own room:yupps.Anithing missing??? nonoonono.
schools:xinghua pri ; yuying sec.
bed colour:ani colour .lololololol
relationship with parents:okok lahs
belive in yourselfs:errms.. yaa i definetly will believe myself.
love a first sight:uhhhhhhh. think so(:
listening ears:My best buddy will have listening ear to listen to things when i am sad or happi.
get along with parents:Erm. ok bahh.
believe in reincarnation:yes.
a teasers? :I tease ppl ! hahahaa.
loves hanging on the phone:yayaaa. chit-chat.
getting married? :i am just a sec 1 student; u tink so leh?
loves driving:I love driving..
motion sickness:????
eat stem of brocolli:EE (:
eat chicken with fork:IM A VEGETARIAN [-_-"]
dream in colour:findd it urself.
type your fingers on home role:home role? i am a guy which morning 7+ must wake up to buy breakfast.
sleep with stuffed animals? :I dun have ani stuffed animals in my house though.dats for girls.
person who sleeps next to you..right or left? lol.
on the walls of your room:fans; air-con; more...
on your mousepad:MOUSE!!
dream car:i dun like cars.
dream date:too early asked question.
dream honeymoon spot:japan; australia; taiwan. more..
dream husband/wife:I DUNOE LA ** shy**
under you bed:floor laa. ((:
bad time of the day:I am tired & need to do all sorts of stuff.
worst fear:Insects; i hate insects the most can.. especially dat kind who likes to fly.. i will shout like mad.
theme songs:tralalalaasss.
hardest thing about growing up:Going through different stuff.. there is ups & down.
funniest/scariest experience:a lot.but i cnt tink right now.. mayb u wanna ask me? haas.
scariest/silliest experience:quite a lot.. i dun wish to mentioned
worst feeling:midnite dream. lol.
greatest feeling:When i have surprise.. or when i go out buy lots of stuff !
list 6 people whom u want them do to this survey..
*** meiqi
*** rachel
***yizhen & anione who wish to do it ; JUST DO IT.
Thursday, November 02, 2006

I am hardworking.

Khai fang & me.

Taiyang the '' handsome boii''
Todae i went out wif meiqi & taiyang.
Went to hougang mall.. for the sake of my holidae homework.
Maths first set which is volume..
6 november hand up.
thought dat they wanna meet me in library.
Then end up they at the 2nd floor eating.
Soo.. they shouted my name of cuz.
Chat awhile.. & started to do my 1st set of hwk.
MATHS ! u noee.. i hate maths.
I keep on bully taiyang by beating her..
she is just funny ! wahhaass.
She ok laa.
quite nice..
veri patient to teach me every question yea.
but meiqi is just laughing & laughing; eating & eating.
Then we keep on laughing..
taiyang laa.! lol
Then later they go buy sushi..
taiyang stay and teach me of cuz.
We spent lots of time on my maths paper..
kinda boring ! arrhs~
But atlast.. onli 3 question is blank
then later after completing my hwkk..
meiqi tis bad girl go off and wait for us at somewhere la.
Only taiyang stay at help me keep all my stationary & all.
Meiqi is just bad..
then later went to arcade.
Met khai fang..heard she is wif those grp of band frens goin out.
So of cuz take photo laa !
I told u i am a photo manic : )
After dat..
meiqi & taiyang wanted to go to compass point.
Soo.. i went home.
We seperate at the entrance dere..
then home sweet home.
They lied to me.
sae atlast wnt go compass point..
but still go.
I will not believe meiqi animore.
Trust me ! hahahahaha.
Meiqi; i hope u r reading tis post k..
i wanna let u noe dat
i need to go now k..
will post sooner or later around tis wkk.
Gtg to sleep !
byebye ((((: